Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 at last!

2014 at last! I thought it would never get here. There have not been many years that I wanted to say good riddance to but 2013 was certainly one of them. Being a bit superstitious about the number thirteen I thought perhaps that was part of the problem with the year past but like wine ranking maybe it was just a bad year. Whatever the cause for the downside I welcome the opportunity for a fresh start.

It wasn't all bad. I made new friends and old friendships grew stronger. Those will be carried forward to the new year along with all the lessons learned from both disappointments and successes. Thanks to all those that taught me something last year even if it was what not to do. Special thanks to those that added to my new knowledge, new interests, new adventures and new stories. I love stories and storytellers...the spice of life. Hopefully for you and for me this new year will be full of stories of success and happiness. Happy New Year to you, everyone!