Shaman knife

Every shaman angler needs a flint knife if for no other reason than to please the ancients should they be looking on. The stone I made this from, Georgetown flint, was a gift from a new friend I became acquainted with just this weekend. He tossed me a large flake he had dislodged from the spall he was working and said, "Here make something with that." To be honest my first thought wasn't knife blade. The first thought was about being embarassed in front of the donor when I turned his gift into lithic debitage, but as I began to work the stone it gave rise to a knife blade figment. The more I worked the more my mind became focused on bringing a shaman's knife to fruition. I dug out the deer antler shed I had been saving for an unknown reason until now and then leather and fur from my fly tying supplies. Some grinding and carving on the antler for a good fit, and finishing touches to the blade edges, the parts were assembled by the end of the day into my first shaman knife. This certainly wasn't my planned purpose for the day but sometimes good things happen if you allow them by staying out of the way. Yet one more example of lending an ear to those small voices that are there to guide you.
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