Many have already asked about shaman angling. Put simply it is fishing
with original wisdom. Put simply another way it is inspired angling. Inspired
put simply is "in spirit". In more depth, it involves listening to the
natural and to the inner voices that guide us all, if we will hear them. It's
difficult to put in words, difficult to teach, learned mostly through intense first
hand experience and overlooked by many. The shaman angler uses expectation and
confidence more than fur and feather to entice the fish. Fish-less outings
are not distressing to the shaman piscator. He nevertheless returns with the
aim of his quest, a commune with the water, its abode and denizens, but on the fish-less occasion with the added knowledge of
what did not produce the preferred result... a jerk on both ends of the string. Shaman angler success may seem
magical to some observers but it is simply the consequence of listening and
learning. I am not yet a shaman angler but someday hope to be.
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