These guys took up residence at my place this summer. One guards the backyard. The other two patrol the back porch mostly at night. The toad is a handsome prince that seems to tolerate my presence in his backyard, moving aside to allow me to pass with no complaint and no fear. The gecko on the other hand trust me to get only so close before she scurries off to one of her hidey holes until I've left. The green anole once popped his orange throat at me in a blazing display of defiance as I tried to sit in his back porch chair. I let him have the chair and now check under the cushion before I sit there. I am fond of my little reptile and amphibian animal friends and believe they are here because I refuse to use pesticides around my house. Yes I have bugs, the ones these friends don't eat, but they keep them to a reasonable level as Nature intended...good trade!
It seems right to live with nature instead of against it. We are all part of the same whole, part of the grand purpose and part of the grand finale if we allow it. Be good to your fellow denizens, share with them what was meant for us all. Give not take, share not hoard, understand harmony with all that lives. I will miss them this winter, happy hibernation good friends.